Since I purchased my new grill I have been grilling non-stop. I wanted to make a grilled dessert but was lacking in ideas. Then I went to the supermarket and they had fresh peaches on sale. Then the light bulb went on. I am going to make Grilled Peaches.

The extra sauce was caught using a piece of tinfoil. It drizzled perfectly over the ice cream.
Grilled Peaches
- 2 peaches
- 4 tbs butter
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 2 tsp cinnamon
The first step is to pick the right peaches. You want peaches that are ripe but still firm. If they are too soft, they will just melt onto the grill.

Next cut the peaches in half. Remove the pit and scoop out any that is left in the peach.
Next mix up the stuffing. Cut the butter into cubes and place in a bowl. Then add the brown sugar and cinnamon. Using the tines of a fork or a pastry blender, incorporate the ingredients. You want the butter to reduce in size. It should end up being about the size of a pea when fully chopped up.

Place the peaches fruit side down on a preheated medium/high grill. Let cook for 4-5 minutes. You should have nice grill lines on the peaches.

Next take a piece of heavy duty tinfoil and make a pan shape with it. You need to make sure that it has about 1/2 inch or higher edges. If you do not have heavy duty tinfoil, double up a normal sheet of tinfoil. I found it is easier to make two pans as the weight of the peaches can break the foil when you lift it. Next place the foil on the grill and then place the peaches skin side down on the foil.
Fill the peaches with the stuffing. Mound it up. When the stuffing melts it will ooze over the edges of the peaches and create a nice sauce in the bottom of the foil pan. Grill with the lid closed for another 5-6 minutes. The peaches are done when they are soft all the way through.

When done, remove the whole tinfoil pan from the grill.

Plate the peaches in a bowl, top with vanilla ice cream and then drizzle the remaining sauce over the top.

This was probably one my greatest grilling victories. It was awesome!!

Hi – Your directions and illustrations are the best ones that I found. Anxious to try them.
Thank you very much Margie. I strive to make the posts as informative as I can.