So I was going to cook yesterday to make a nice post for today, but the lines at the grocery store were 50 people long. Why you ask, supposedly there was going to be a big winter storm rolling through. So I put my groceries back and decided to risk it. I did not want to wait 2 hours to check out at the grocery store. Well my risk did not pay off. In the last 12 hours we got 14 inches of snow and no end in sight.

I know that some of you are thinking that I am exaggerating on the snowfall. I am from the midwest, I know a foot of snow when I see it.  Here is my table in my backyard. It was completely clean at 8:00 last night.

Last year the DC area got about 8 inches of snow total. To emphasize how much this is going to screw up the DC metro area, I have linked to the Northern Virginia snow removal brochure.
No joke that does say that for 12-18 inches of snow it will take up to 4 days after the snow ends to clear all of the roads. Yep, we are screwed. Should have stayed in line. Oops.
Anyways, Tucker is loving the snow. He has been outside for much of the day.

Well I am sorry for not having a post. The next chance that I get to go and get provisions, I am all over it. Have a great weekend.
Should we airlift you a care package? At least tell us you have a 4 day supply of beer;)
I appreciate it Chris. Luckily I have a barrel Yuengling on tap and I just bottled the beer from my Brewing Beer post from 3 months ago. Plus I have cheese and stuff to make pizza crust. Looks like a pizza weekend. Can you believe that the state of Virginia says that it will take 4 days to clean this up. In Michigan it would take 2 days max.