It is getting cold here in DC and there is only one drink that can make Swedish/Polish/Irish lad feel good. Irish coffee. This term is used many ways and the drink is never made the same. I have been testing a few recipes and I think I have found the perfect one. BTW if there are miss-spelled words I am sorry, it was a long journey to find the perfect recipe and man am I drunk. In the end I found the perfect combination of ingredients to make the ultimate Irish Coffee.

Top with whipped cream to make the perfect drink.
Irish Coffee
- 2 fingers of Irish Whiskey – More if this is your 7th drink
- 3 sugar cubes – roughly 1.5 tsp of sugar
- 5 oz coffee – less if this is your 7th drink
- 2 oz heavy cream
- whipped cream
Pour your given amount of whiskey into the cup. 2, 3, 4 fingers or a whole fist. If you use a whole fist, use a larger coffee cup.

Next add the sugar cubes. I tasted a whole array of sugar amounts. I found that 3 gave the best flavor while still allowing the whiskey flavor to come through. If you hate the whiskey flavor but still want the buzz, add a few more cubes of sugar.

Next add the coffee till it is about 3/4 the way up the glass. Stir and dissolve the sugar.

Finally top with the heavy cream and some whipped cream.

Now you have the ultimate Irish Coffee.
Goes great in the morning or when you are burning the midnight oil. Actually it goes pretty good in the middle of the day too. Whenever you drink it, it is the perfect drink to cut the chill in the air.
i just bought a coffee press and this might be a good beverage to try!