The perfect addition to turkey is cranberry sauce. I used to go and buy the jellied sauce in the can. I know, but it is tasty and quick. Then I tried to make my own cranberry sauce from scratch. Little did I know that it is almost as quick to make as it is to open a can. Plus when you make it from scratch you can add hints of other flavors.

Orange juice and zest make this cranberry sauce pop.
Orange Cranberry Sauce
- 1 package of fresh cranberries
- 1 orange
- 2/3 cup sugar
- 1/2 – 3/4 cup water
The first step is to wash and clean the cranberries. Rinse them and look for any bad ones. Every once in a while you will find a bad one. It happens, it is a sign that you are actually cooking with real fresh produce. Bravo!!

Next zest the orange into a sauce pan. I used a micro plane for half of the orange. This will result in a fine zest. Then to add a little texture I zested the other half of the orange with a zester. This gives you long strips that will stand out in the cranberry sauce.

Next juice the orange into a measuring cup. Once you have juiced the whole orange, fill the cup with water up till the 1 cup line. Place the juice mixture into the sauce pan.
Measure out 2/3 cup of sugar and add it to the pan.  Bring the mixture to a boil.
When the pan is boiling, add the cranberries. Bring the mixture back up to a boil and then reduce to a simmer.

Simmer the cranberries for 10-15 minutes or until almost all of the cranberries burst open.

Pour into a bowl and cover. Let the cranberry sauce cool to room temperature. Then refrigerate until you are ready to serve it.

If you like smooth jellied cranberry sauce, strain out the cranberry skins. Let cool to room temperature and then refrigerate. I am big fan of having the cranberry skins in the mixture.
Very nice sauce. Anything beats the can, especially with all the junk that they fill it up with. Your recipe will have jsut the right amount of tartness to counterbalance the sweet of the recipe.
One suggestion is to throw a cinnamon stick into the pot as it is cooking down. It will add just the right amount of spice, without overpowering it. (As would ground cinammon)
Stirring in some toasted pecans before serving is great, too! I’m anxious for turkey day already!